What People Say About Us
See why customers from Fortune 500 companies, governments, private individuals and foreign nations choose our generators and keep coming back.
Customer Reviews/Ratings
The solar generator has been working well at the D-Signal. It has saved time and money for my budget not having to fill a generator with gas and have a maintainer check it all the time. Thank you.
The solar generator rental trailer worked perfectly and provided the needed power for 45 consecutive days. I would recommend using it.
When it comes to solar, it’s really easy to talk the talk, but it’s a whole other thing to walk the walk. Our MS-200 is really well made. I couldn’t be happier. Mobile Solar makes a great piece of equipment and I look forward to buying another one in the future.
We needed a solution that did not cause any disturbances to the existing environment – something that was green in terms of its electrical production, but also something that had a minimal impact in terms of its installation.
We have enjoyed using Mobile Solar to power our outdoor concerts for many years. Since we only use it a few times per month in the summer, a mobile system is the best approach. In addition to taking advantage of the sun, the clean power output by the solar generator makes for better sound according to our production engineers.
We decided to use a solar generator for our project because we were trying to be more environmentally conscious and not leave a carbon footprint. We also needed an energy source that was going to more reliable than a generator or batteries. We got that with Mobile Solar and would definitely go with them again. We ran it for about a month-and-a-half without anybody being there. We’ve had no problems with powering what we have: two laptop computers, two external hard drives, and the DIDSION camera (including the rotator). It has done fine.
We found Mobile Solar online and they offered the right size solar generator that we needed at the right price. We enhanced the solar generator to be a self-contained cellular repeater. We have been delighted with the performance.
Our Customers Include

“Amazing Designs and Quality Work!”
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